Imagine there’s no country (countries)

It seems like John Lennon was not an uber-grammarian — whatever.

“What’s left?” (Bridget Phetasy, Dumpster Fire Episode #127 @ 23:40)

Yesterday I watched “Wag the Dog” (1997) again (see “Who’s on Top?“).

In her podcast episode, Mrs. Phetasy goes on a long rant about a wide variety of things (she briefly compares herself to a “Dollar Store Walter Cronkite” before she gets to her segment named “Breaking Bridget” about conflicts in the Middle East), including propaganda.

Mrs. Phetasy could probably could name quite a few influencers besides so-called governments about which she might get upset about time and again. She often does — when she refers to “feeding the algorithm” (I guess she also seems somewhat challenged when faced with distinguishing between single instances and collective pluralities).

In summary, I want to recommend this episode because of her own abilities to act as an influencer — and that is where the link to “Wag the Dog” comes from 😉 ). Yet the distractions of the hour, the day, the month, the year, … the main distraction of our times is that there is (purported to be) a clear distinction between mainstream media which many people seem to distrust and the so-called “search engines” which most people seem to trust with blind faith.

For more about such fun & games, there is so much more to “read all about it” in pretty much each and every post over at the “Social Business” blog. 🙂

Because me and America have a very intimate relationship

Keywords: america , national parks , pandemic , road trips

now that I have a serious illness, there’s always that uncomfortable fact that my time is running out. I want to renew that love and I can’t, because of this devastating virus that so many aren’t taking seriously, and because, well, there’s some scary folks out there!

The melodramatic dimensions of Philippine politics cannot be dismissed as a sideshow in the national political scene; the melodrama of Senate hearings and other mediated political encounters is important to understand because these moments generate the emotional ties that push people to support politicians in times of tension and transition

Keywords: academic , duterte , populism

What is Duterte’s brand of populism? This text is a small part of my literature review for my PhD thesis.

Trump has failed badly on many of his over 200 campaign promises in 2016 that were directed to working people

Keywords: news , articles 2015

The list of broken promises could fill volumes. Compare Trump’s words and deeds and misdeeds. “We will honor the American people with the truth and nothing else.”

The answer both to rightwing fraud and liberal elitism must come from us – from the democratic public itself.

Keywords: world

The only real answer, to Trump and plutocracy both, is a mass movement of ordinary people, hailing from all different backgrounds, joined together by a common desire to understand and dismantle the forces that make their toil so profitless.

Religious affiliation is actually an issue that unites many americans from both parties

Keywords: {0}

what the democrat party ended up doing by keeping clinton from talking about her religious experience was to cut out a large portion of america she could’ve appealed to. who knows how clinton felt about this at the time. there’s no doubt she should’ve stood up for herself and her religious affiliation.